Top 3 Reasons Families Prefer Centers with Streaming Video
Centers Report WatchMeGrow is their Best Conversion Tool
Trusting your child to a new childcare provider can be difficult for a parent. Even after completing a center tour, calling references, and conducting a thorough background check, many parents still have anxiety when they leave their child. Some of the reasons are hard-wired into our DNA as parents. From the moment we first hold them in our arms, a parent’s instincts are to shelter and protect our children from harm. Handing that job off to a third party is a leap of faith.
WatchMeGrow streaming video service provides parents with the confidence they need to make that leap. By providing a real-time view of their child throughout the day, your center is offering parents an added level of accountability and reassurance that their child is adjusting well and even flourishing. In fact, 89% of surveyed parents say the availability of WatchMeGrow was one of the primary reasons they enrolled at their chosen center.
Reassurance for Parents
Even after the initial nervousness of settling into a new center is gone, WatchMeGrow is a valuable tool for working parents. Seeing their child participate in activities, make friends and learn new skills is a powerful experience that can’t be replicated in a written report.
Reassurance for Children
Parents can also use WatchMeGrow to reinforce to their children that they are participating and checking in with them throughout the day. While teenagers would surely cringe at the idea of mom or dad watching their activities, preschoolers love being the center of attention.
Connecting Parents and Children
By using the desktop viewer or mobile app, a parent can see specific moments as they happen and later ask their child about them. For example, “I saw that you were making paper chains today, what are you going to use them for?” or “How did you like the book you were listening to during circle time?”
How to Increase Your Conversion Rate
When starting a tour of your school, a lobby stop to demonstrate WatchMeGrow a terrific sales tool. Prior to visiting the classroom, use your iPad or iPhone to show parents the video they’ll be able to see from their own devices once their child has enrolled. Many preschools have told us that this is one of their best conversion tools.
When you offer WatchMeGrow, you give families instant trust in knowing you mean it when you say you’re the best choice.
Find out how easy and affordable it is to convert your existing cameras or add streaming cameras to your school.
Schedule a demo or get a quote.
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