The Big Picture

Improving the Childcare Experience with the Power of Streaming Video

  1. Learn how to easily integrate review links into your WatchMeGrow software with our step-by-step guide. Enhance family engagement and get more reviews with the new Live Reactions feature. Start now!

  2. Emojis on your classroom video let families share their feelings with school admins, in real-time. Happy families are asked to share a review of your school. Concerned parents are guided to share non-urgent issues by email or have a chat at pick-up, minimizing daytime calls.

  3. Using 4K streaming in your camera system can have challenges: limited camera capacity, high bandwidth needs, and potential suboptimal viewing on parents' phones. Consider these pros and cons before investing.

  4. Recruiting new families is not the only way to grow your business. Each enrolled family you can retain for the long term means more profit for your bottom line. We've got three easy ways to delight them and help them want to stay.

  5. We know that families are taking a big leap of faith when they select a new childcare center. WatchMeGrow streaming video gives them the confidence they need to make that leap.

  6. Retaining your best staff is a big driver of your success. If you already have a team of superstar teachers, use these tactics to keep them for the long term.

  7. Enrolling a new family at your school is wonderful. You're growing your business sharing what you love. But how do you do it without feeling too "pushy" and uncomfortable?. Here are 3 non-salesy techniques to help you get the enrollment every time.

  8. Connected devices can pose a risk of unwanted access. Know the critical questions to ask to be sure your streaming video system is safe and everyone's privacy is protected.

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