The Big Picture

Improving the Childcare Experience with the Power of Streaming Video

WatchMeGrow Live Reactions

Introducing The Happiness Filter for Families

A better way for parents to share their joy or concerns while streaming classroom video, letting you stay focused on managing your school.

  • Parents react to live video with a tap
  • Admins see reactions in classroom reports
  • Included with WatchMeGrow Parent View!
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Build Reviews For Your School

Happy families are prompted to leave a review on the platform of your choice at the perfect time: when they are full of love for what they're watching on camera!


Support Worried Parents + Minimize Daytime Calls

Worrying can get the best of us. Live Reactions is designed to show compassion and encourage parents to communicate non-urgent issues by email or at pick-up, minimizing daytime phone calls.

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Live Reactions Customer Sentiment Report

Insight Into How Families Are Feeling

WatchMeGrow Live Reactions reporting is a feedback loop that helps see the signs of an unhappy family before they decide to leave. Admins use these reports on classroom engagement to help boost customer retention, effortlessly.




Follow these 3 easy steps to offer Live Reactions to your families. 


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