Take advantage of our exclusive offer from Comcast and your WatchMeGrow streaming video will give your center’s families the crisp video and real-time streaming they’ve come to expect.
If you want your childcare center to have an easy-to-use streaming system that produces high quality video, you need a system that has been designed for use in childcare centers.
Safety and security is paramount when it comes our children. WatchMeGrow software for streaming video offers an unmatched level of security. Follow these simple best practices when you use streaming video in childcare.
Kids R Kids Learning Academy owner, Malak Agha, was a beloved teacher in Texas when she began searching for a better way to balance her work with family.
WatchMeGrow streaming video services are used by hundreds of childcare centers across the country. We recently surveyed our clients and here is what they said.
Your center has plenty of new dads and moms. Leaving their child can wreak havoc on emotions. Offering WatchMeGrow can send a wave of relief. But when is too much of a good thing just too much?
Families were sold on your outstanding staff and your beautiful center when they enrolled, now is a good time to remind them of all the wonderful things they love about you.
Congrats to the Lacey Learning Center in Lacey, Washington, on the opening of their newest location! As their website promises, at the Lacey Learning Center parents can “Watch their children learn and grow from work or home.”