Revenue Calculator

Grow Your Revenue

Enrollment Increase

Schools report more families enrolled with WatchMeGrow due to the competitive advantage of streaming video.

Enter your current average monthly tuition per child.

Schools with WatchMeGrow report an average of 6.1 additional enrollments per month.


Enter your current average monthly tuition per child.


Schools with WatchMeGrow report an average of 6.1 additional enrollments per month.

Increase your revenue today:

Tuition Increase

Some schools increase tuition rates when adding the benefit of streaming video to their programs.

Enter the current number of children enrolled at your school.

Many schools apply a modest tuition increase between $2 and $20 per month.

Enter the current number of children enrolled at your school.


Many schools apply a modest tuition increase between $2 and $20 per month.

Increase your revenue today:

Registration Increase

Some schools increase annual registration fees when adding the benefit of streaming video to their programs.

Enter the current number of children enrolled at your school.

Many schools apply a one-time registration fee increase between $10 and $50.

Enter the current number of children enrolled at your school.


Many schools apply a one-time registration fee increase between $10 and $50.

Increase your revenue today:

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