The Big Picture

Improving the Childcare Experience with the Power of Streaming Video

Center Owners Agree WatchMeGrow is a Game Changer

WatchMeGrow streaming video services are used by hundreds of childcare centers across the country. We recently surveyed our clients and here is what they had to say:

  • 95% of centers would recommend WatchMeGrow streaming video services to another childcare center.

  • 87% of centers said that having WatchMeGrow gives them an edge over their competition.

  • 74% of centers said that WatchMeGrow is one of the top three reasons families enroll their children.

“In addition to providing the streaming video, the Watch Me Grow personnel provides exceptional customer service. Anytime I call, everyone is very friendly and always provides assistance. I wish that all vendors that I interacted with provided your level ofcustomer service. Thank you!”

“It is a great tool for management and provides answers for parents. Cost is affordable, and customer service is always awesome!”

“We love the ability to have it in our center and it helps set us apart from other centers.”

  • 92% of centers describe WatchMeGrow as being “extremely popular” or “very popular” among parents of children enrolled in their center.

“WatchMeGrow was the reason the "first day back to work" wasn't terrible! It gave them the comfort they needed to jump back into the professional world.”

“They really like being able to watch this video in an app.”

“We have many parents who say they would not enroll in a center where they could not see their child on camera.”

  • 84% of centers describe managing their WatchMeGrow service online as “extremely or very user-friendly.”

“It is very easy to enable and/or disable accounts, changes rooms, add children, etc. I  also like the ability to make payments online.”

“I am not very computer savvy and feel comfortable with it!”

Center owners regularly leave us feedback. See what they say. 

Are you ready to be a center that offers WatchMeGrow? Contact us for a demo and quote. Email us at


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